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I have started a new blog. What for? Well, I suppose it's on online journal in a way. I don't really do New Years resolutions, I thi...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Balance could possible be the most important thing in our lives, though it often gets overlooked. Everyone has heard the old cliche about too much of a good thing can be a bad thing or however it goes.... It's true. If you eat ridiculously healthy 100% of the time that could even be a bad thing. If only for the simple fact that you need to let your hair down now and then. The secret to success and happiness in life is balance.

I consider myself a pretty balanced person. I have experienced a large number of social settings throughout my life and have adopted bits and pieces from many of them. I see both sides of the political spectrum. I can understand someone who is devoutly religious and someone who is an atheist. I can see how materialism can so easily sweep us away in this day and age, and I can see how amazing it might feel to be a minimalist. On all these different types of spectrum's, there isn't someone who is right and someone who is wrong. It's just different people with different ideas, and had you been born somewhere else or to another family, you very well might be the person on the other side of where you stand now. If you believe that you are a unique human being and that your character or your spirit is something that you were born with, you are wrong. Human beings are shaped by their surroundings. Whether it's culture, parents, friends, location, or a past trauma, you are who you are based upon your experiences. If we can understand this, then maybe we can understand that we are all actually the exact same. People are all the same, they have just been shaped differently than you.

Balance needs to be a part of every persons life. It's even okay it it's extreme on both ends of the spectrum. Myself for example, I might spend my entire week being super disciplined. I'll go to bed early and wake early so I can hit the gym. I'll get all of my work and school completed. I will do yoga and meditate, trying to ensure that my spirit and my mental health are taken care of. Then, after all these things have been completed from Monday through Friday, I might party like a rock star on the weekend. Some people will judge me throughout the week, saying I'm boring or maybe I'm a weird hippy. Some people will judge me on the weekend and say I'm a lush or me and my friends are bad influences. Neither of these judgments bother me, because I know exactly where I need to be, because I maintain good balance. If any of the things I do start to get out of hand I real it in and re-evaluate myself. Besides, my personal happiness doesn't come from anyone else, it comes from within. What others think of my is important, but it's not that important. I don't need to fit into the stereotypical mold of what I'm supposed to be, because that wouldn't make me happy and I would feel unbalanced.

At the end of the day, this is something that each person needs to figure out on their own. We all have a sweet spot in which to operate in. That sweet spot will ensure maximum efficiency in our lives. No one can tell you what you need in life, so just never stop looking until you find it.



  1. It took me YEARS to find my balance, but now that I found it - I am not letting go!

  2. "On all these different types of spectrum's, there isn't someone who is right and someone who is wrong. It's just different people with different ideas, and had you been born somewhere else or to another family, you very well might be the person on the other side of where you stand now." So very true! We're all so different, yet similar. Balance is important to find and keep.

  3. Yes, I always try to have a balance. Some days are better than others, I'll admit it.

  4. I agree that balance is important. You have to have some fun, right? I wish I were as disciplined as you are though. I need to start exercising more often and taking time for myself. Partying is much easier! lol

    1. It is ha ha. But you have to look good while you are doing it!
